The resignified tourist in a post-pandemic world


  • Sebastián Guma Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral. Instituto de Ciencias del Ambiente, Sustentabilidad y Recursos Naturales, Escuela de Turismo. Santa Cruz. Argentina.



Tourist, community, paradigms, resignification, epistemology


The tourist is one of the terms housed by the word tourism, being analyzed, studied and investigated by transdisciplinary academics, who have trained professionals who fail to understand the dystopia that this word presents and the damage that this has caused since the massification of trips. The tourism relevance for a society, regardless of its territorial dimension in space, being able to highlight that tourism is the ensemble of all those processes, especially economic ones, that start up a community, region or State, are directly related. The need to reconnect with nature, the fear of large social conglomerates and the search for security in spaces close to their place of residence (proximity tourism) are key trends for the design of new paradigms that are projected beyond the reactivation tourism overall. The academics world and professionals who are dedicated to investigating the effects of tourism and seeking to develop the activity, go beyond the generation of foreign currency and the operation of productive chains, generally based on systems theory. The need to inquire about tourism epistemology and the nature of its knowledge, the validity and reliability of the statements of the external world, the use of concepts, the limits of tourism studies and the categorization of tourism studied as a discipline or field would allow us to conclude in the redefinition of the tourist, in pursuit of a new order and development of the activity.

Author Biography

Sebastián Guma, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral. Instituto de Ciencias del Ambiente, Sustentabilidad y Recursos Naturales, Escuela de Turismo. Santa Cruz. Argentina.

Licenciado en Turismo (Universidad Blas Pascal, Córdoba, 2006), Profesor de Grado Universitario en Turismo (, Universidad Juan Agustín Maza, Mendoza, 2018) Diplomado Superior en Turismo Científico (Universidad Nacional de San Juan, 2022), Maestrando en Gestión y Desarrollo del Turismo (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, en proceso de presentación de tesis). Profesor Adjunto Ordinario en carreras de Tecnicatura y Licenciatura en Turismo, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral. Investigador y extensionista desde 2016 a la actualidad. Profesor Adjunto en Universidad Provincial de Córdoba en carreras de Turismo. Facultad de Turismo y Ambiente.



How to Cite

Guma, S. (2023). The resignified tourist in a post-pandemic world. Difusiones, 24(24), 47–57.