Accesible tourism destinations for people with disabilities




tourism, accessibility, inclusion, accessible destinations, universal desings


This research aims to study the link between disability and the activities offered in a tourist destination. It describes the tools required for inclusion, which are established by national and international organisations that advocate for the protection of the rights of people with disabilities. These tools are standardised through conventions, agreements, and regulations currently in force. The research highlights the importance of an accurate and ongoing diagnosis of accessible tourism situations. It also highlights the actors who should be involved in promoting inclusion and the positive impact that favourable actions can have on society, leading to better results to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. The research highlights that leisure and free time are a right for everyone, including people with disabilities.

Disability and tourism contextualisation can bring significant benefits to tourist destinations that take the decision and responsibility to provide a space for inclusion and social commitment. The number of people travelling around the world is increasing, regardless of whether they have a disability or not. Therefore, tourism inclusion is a vital concept that should be embedded in a real-life environment and executed effectively.

The research proposes the implementation of efforts in different areas of the tourism value chain, and it encourages the broad participation of people with disabilities. It includes the use and enjoyment of tourism services and the acceptance of the tools required for inclusion. The research also stresses the importance of universal design and inclusion, which should evolve and be communicated effectively through appropriate language.

In conclusion, the research aims to generate social, sustainable and quality awareness and emphasises that barrier-free tourism is possible.

Author Biography

Maria Julieta Albarracín Argañaraz, Municipalidad de San Salvador de Jujuy, Jujuy, Argentina

Maria Julieta Albarracin Argañaraz.

Bachelor´s  on tourims from the University of the North Santo Tomás de Aquino, San Miguel de Tucumán.

Degree Thesis: Towards a Tourism without Barriers in San Miguel de Tucumán (2008).

Master in Tourism Development and Management. National University of Quilmes. (In progress)

Postgraduate Thesis: Identity and development of local tourism in the Metropolitan Area "El Gran Jujuy".

Responsible of the Tourism Development Area of ​​the General Direction of Tourism. San Salvador de Jujuy´s City Hall.



How to Cite

Albarracín Argañaraz, M. J. (2023). TOURISM WITHOUT BARRIERS TOURISM FOR EVERYONE: Accesible tourism destinations for people with disabilities. Difusiones, 25(25), 5–26.

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