Pandemic, psychic consequences and therapeutic functions in times of collective psychic vulnerability

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Lía J. Delgado


The present work comes from the study and analysis of the clinical material of twenty patients of different ages, mainly adults, women and men, who are undergoing a psychotherapeutic process in the private sphere weekly or twice a month. Most of them started before the pandemic began, others after.

Although it is about the analysis of a limited number of cases, it allows arriving to some conclusions that could be extended to a greater number of situations, while still highlighting the uniqueness and specificity of each problem and the idea that each patient is unique.

The clinical method in Psychology takes into account both the observation of the patient (traditionally linked to the look) and the listening to what he says and the subsequent analysis of the material from the interviews or sessions.

The general objective of this contribution is to share a series of therapeutic functions, which from personal clinical experience have shown certain efficacy in the treatment of patients during the pandemic, a time of greater psychological vulnerability, to the extent that they contributed to alliviate their discomfort and psychic suffering.


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How to Cite
Delgado, L. J. (2020). Pandemic, psychic consequences and therapeutic functions in times of collective psychic vulnerability. Nuevas Propuestas Journal, (55), 128–137. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Lía J. Delgado, UCSE DAR

Psychologist Professor of the chairs of Psychology and Deep Psychology of the Lic. In Psychopedagogy UCSE-DAR.


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