Power, press and political rights of women. Critical analysis of the discourse of the graphic media of Santiago del Estero between 1946 and 1951

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Alicia A. Chavez


Women’s political rights are a recurring theme in the literature of contemporary social sciences. However, extracentric looks do not abound. The traditional media have exerted their influence both in the capitals and in the provinces. His opinions and political sympathies were exposed in his pages, although sometimes he tried not to make them explicit. The political participation of women, beyond what is stated, is still stained by prejudices that underestimate it. In those days, the female vote project is next to others, such as religious education and the rural pawn statute. Together, they must go through the resistance of the conservative sectors, who, from the media, exercised their symbolic power.


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How to Cite
Chavez, A. A. . (2020). Power, press and political rights of women. Critical analysis of the discourse of the graphic media of Santiago del Estero between 1946 and 1951. Nuevas Propuestas Journal, (56), 40–51. Retrieved from http://revistas.ucse.edu.ar/ojsucse/index.php/nuevaspropuestas/article/view/36
Artículo original


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