Tourism and recreational enhancement of cultural events carried out by the community, based on a legacy and socio-cultural heritage. The case of the town of Humbolt

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Marcela Girolimetto
Facundo Nos


The characterization of the touristic-recreational value of cultural events held within a community, starting from its sociocultural legacy, involves tackling a complex research process from a methodological perspective. This empirical construction of the proposed study object requires careful attention to its uniqueness. In this article, we present the results of an exploratory-descriptive research conducted under the principles of the sociocritical paradigm and a mixed methodological approach (combining qualitative and quantitative methods). The study focuses on the voice of the inhabitants of Humboldt, a community in the province of Santa Fe, Argentina. Their experiences, reflections, and thoughts are expressed spontaneously. The findings highlight the enduring and consistent appreciation of the culturally inherited legacy, spanning over 152 years in a town currently inhabited by 5,000 people. The events organized within the community, deeply rooted in this intangible cultural heritage, hypothetically allow for the positive evaluation of the sociocultural legacy from a tourism perspective. Furthermore, considering strategies for future tourism development—which have remained largely unseen thus far—could be an extrinsic objective resulting from this research. A potential avenue is the formulation of a tourism promotion plan, emphasizing the unique qualities and both material and immaterial manifestations of this socio-cultural heritage.


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How to Cite
Girolimetto, . M., & Nos, F. . (2023). Tourism and recreational enhancement of cultural events carried out by the community, based on a legacy and socio-cultural heritage. The case of the town of Humbolt. Nuevas Propuestas Journal, (60), 37–52. Retrieved from
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