
  • María José Aisama UCSE
  • Silvina UCSE
  • Patricia UCSE



evaluation instruments, pandemic, evaluation results


The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a crisis that transcended the healthcare system and made all areas of society face endless problems. The educational scenario was already facing a phase of change derived from adaptation to the rapid advance of technology, and teaching, governed by a student-learning-focused paradigm, was also going through a stage of reflection and pedagogical innovation. The incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) was encouraged not only to avoid falling into technological backwardness but also for the continuous search for quality improvement in the educational process. In this context and due to the health emergency, higher education institutions were not only forced to close their doors to all face-to-face activities but also needed to reinvent their learning environments to guarantee the continuity of education, which made the use of ICT even more imperative, now directed to an online work modality. But, the lack of experience of the educational actors, the little time to diagram methodological strategies, and the lack of resources that virtual education requires generated difficulties for them to fulfill their purpose. Assessment as part of the teaching and learning process was also affected. For this reason, this paper analyzes the evaluation method carried out in Mathematics 1, the subject of the 1st year of the Public Accountant career of the School of Economic Sciences of the National University of Jujuy, in a pandemic context during its dictation in the 2020 and 2021 academic years. First, in this analysis, the mechanisms and evaluative instruments employed are characterized, and then the results obtained are commented on and interpreted based on their use in a comparative manner.

Author Biographies

María José Aisama, UCSE

Degree in business administration. Specialist in Higher Education. Professor of Psychology. Head Teacher of Practical Works in Mathematics I and Algebra and Analytical Geometry, Structures and Process and Administration II and Accounting and Administration for Economist in the Faculty of Economic Sciences (UNJU). Adjunct Professor in CP careers, Bachelor of Administration and Bachelor of Foreign Trade, Computer Engineering, Automation and Robotics of UCSE

Silvina, UCSE

Contadora Pública Nacional. Especialista en Educación Superior. Docente Adjunta de Matemática I y Algebra y Geometría Analítica, Matemática II y Análisis Matemático de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas (UNJU). Docente Adjunta de las Carreras de CP, Lic. en Administración y Lic. en Comercio Exterior de UCSE.

Patricia, UCSE

Profesora de Matemática. Docente Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos de Matemática I y Algebra y Geometría Analítica de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas (UNJU). Docente Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos de las carreras de CP, Lic. en Administración y Lic. en Comercio Exterior en UCSE. Docente Adjunto en carreras de Lic. en Higiene y Seguridad y Lic. en Criminalística en UCASAL.



How to Cite

Aisama, M. J., Soruco, O. S. ., & Gutierrez, G. P. . (2022). THE EVALUATION OF MATHEMATICS I IN THE CONTEXT OF A PANDEMIC IN 2020 AND 2021. Difusiones, 22(22), 79–88.