Nutrition and geographic altitude in infant and juvenile populations in the province of Jujuy.

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Ignacio Felipe Bejarano
María Elisa Aparicio
Noelia Vanesa Peñaranda
Gabriela Ester Bejarano
María Gabriela Bejarano
javier Zapana


The Jujuy populations are distributed over an altitudinal gradient which makes nutritional
characteristics thereof are not similar. The aim of this study will characterize the nutritional status of these people and their relationship to the geographical height. The data
of weight and height are in school and boys 4-18 years (n=8732) attending public schools
which were grouped into two regions: lowlands (between 500 and 2200 m) and highlands
(¿2200 m). Descriptive statistics were determined and compared by applying the test X2.
The results showed that populations living in lowlands have lower prevalence of malnutrition and a higher prevalence of overweight. Women had higher prevalence than men and
the prevalence by age group were not homogeneous. In all cases (by region, gender and
age) statistically significant differences (p¡0.05) are presented. We conclude that despite
the persistence and/or increasing inequalities in access to nutritional resources in both regions, the nutritional situation is within the expected parameters although, paradoxically,
it is observed that in these coexist ✭✭obesity poverty✮✮ and malnutrition to overweight and
obesity. This situation is consistent with other information reported for the same population and the age groups considered here.


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How to Cite
Bejarano, I. F., Aparicio, M. E., Peñaranda, N. V., Bejarano, G. E., Bejarano, M. G., & Zapana, J. (2019). Nutrition and geographic altitude in infant and juvenile populations in the province of Jujuy. Nuevas Propuestas Journal, (54), 58–87. Retrieved from
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